Some electronic meters require a ‘two point’ calibration. pH BUFFER 4 is important as the lower calibration point in the two point calibration process. This will ensure that meters accurately reflect the true reading at the lower end of the range.
HY-GEN® Calibrations solutions are made according to international standards. The pH ELECTRODE STORAGE and PROBE CLEANER solutions are the same quality as those used in laboratories for the safe cleaning and storage of electronic meters. All calibration and care solutions are made using high quality analytical grade constituents.
HY-GEN® is the mark of guaranteed quality. All formulations and procedures have been prepared under careful supervision by our qualified chemist who has more than 25 years experience.
Ensure that calibration solutions are kept free from contamination. DO NOT return used liquid to the bottle and NEVER dip meters directly into the bottle otherwise it will give inaccurate calibrations.
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