Biopectinase – 100g

$ 15.40 incl. GST

6 in stock

SKU: APEC100 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Biopectinase is a pectolytic enzyme preparation with additional arabinase activities, derived from a selected strain of Aspergillus niger. It is ideal for use in the clarification of fruit beers, fruit juice and wine. It can simply be added into the fruit or juice when adding these into the beer.


Recommended dose rates for Biopectinase are generally between 40 – 150 ppm. Please note this should be optimised to suit your particular application.

Recommended Usage for Fruit Beers : 0.5 to 1 ml per Kg of fruit.


A slightly viscous, amber free flowing liquid, with a characteristic sweet smell.


Pectinase AJDU/ml : >35,000

Side Activity:
Cellulase CMC u/ml : >1,000
Hemi-Cellulase CMC u/ml : >1,000
Arabinase Ar u/ml : >2,000

Specific gravity : 1.1 g/ml typical
pH : 4.9 typical

Heavy Metals:
Meets FCC specification for food grade enzymes
Total Heavy Metals : <40ppm
Lead : <10ppm
Arsenic : <3ppm

T.V.C : <50,000/ml
Coliforms : <30 CPU/ml
Salmonella : absent in 25g
E.Coli : absent in 25g
Yeast & Moulds : <200/ml
T.E : <30/ml


Pectinase enzyme concentrate
Cellulase enzyme concentrate


Biopectinase is a balanced complex of enzyme activities which hydrolyse pectic substances leading to depectinisation and clarification of juice.

The use of Biopectinase  offers the following advantages:
– treatment of the fruit will lead to rapid processing with maximum yield of both free run and total juice.
– depectinisation of juice. This results in more rapid floc formation while the lowered viscosity facilitates subsequent clarification and/or filtration.
– rapid clarification leading to reduced flavour damage from oxidation or premature fermentation.
– juice concentrates with higher Brix levels are attainable due to reduced viscosities.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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