Flaked Oats (BLM)

$ 2.80 - $ 4.90 / kg incl. GST

24.10 kg in stock

Product Price

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Packaging Policy

– Orders over 6kg packed into multiple bags
– Price break at 0.5kg, 5kg and 25kg
– We do not repack weights into multiple smaller bags
– 25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled


Sub Base Malt

25kg bags are supplied in original bag.

BLM Rolled Oats are traditionally milled oat kernels that have been steamed to stop the enzymes from breaking down the naturally occurring fats and reduce rancidity. They are then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and modified as required to suit the needs of a specialised application.

Rates of use: Up to 25%

We recommend using Gladfield Big O (Oat Malt) for greatly improved recirculation and run-off when using a large percentage of Rolled Oats in Hazy Pale Ales and NEIPS’s to improve mouthfeel and head retention.

$ 2.80 - $ 4.90 / kg incl. GSTSelect options