Chocolate Rye (Gladfield)

$ 3.80 - $ 6.60 / kg incl. GST

13.02 kg in stock

Product Price

Milling Option *

25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled

Packaging Option *

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Recipe Details:

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Packaging Policy

– Orders over 6kg packed into multiple bags
– Price break at 0.5kg, 5kg and 25kg
– We do not repack weights into multiple smaller bags
– 25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled



Specialty Malt

25kg bags are supplied in original bag unmilled.

Richly roasted to bring a smooth espresso creaminess to your dark beers with a touch of rye spiciness. Beautiful in a porter or oatmeal stout where the coffee spice character is particularly well matched with the roast malts. Adds a further level of complexity to Vienna Malt in a Dunkel, or even something a little uncommon to a mild or English brown.

Use: Enhance aroma and flavour characters without imparting bitterness or astringency.
Rate: Up to 1-5%

Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 33 × 5 cm


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$ 3.80 - $ 6.60 / kg incl. GSTSelect options