Chit Barley Malt (Gladfield)

$ 3.50 - $ 6.00 / kg incl. GST

16.24 kg in stock

Product Price

Milling Option *

25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled

Packaging Option *

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Packaging Policy

– Orders over 6kg packed into multiple bags
– Price break at 0.5kg, 5kg and 25kg
– We do not repack weights into multiple smaller bags
– 25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled



Specialty Malt


25kg bags are supplied in original bag unmilled.

The term chit in malting represents the first stage of germination, where the barley has taken up enough moisture from steeping to start the magic process of turning starch into soluble sugars to feed the yeast during fermentation. Chit malt has a
particularly high level of inherent starter enzymes, which contribute significantly to improving the conversion of starch, thus increasing the yield. The reason that the Chit Malt can improve body and foam is due to the process of modification of the starches in the grain by the enzymes still in the early stages when we start kilning
this malt. It will leave long protein chains in the malt that the yeast won’t be able to digest its entirely during fermentation. This malt is a good alternative for raw
adjuncts. The flavour impact in a beer is minimum with subtle green, grassy raw grain flavour. As Chit malts contain mostly high-molecular proteins and sugars and thus retain many of the green, grassy characteristics of raw grain. One of its main purposes is to improve the finished beer’s body and foam stability.

Rate: Up to 15%
Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 33 × 5 cm


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$ 3.50 - $ 6.00 / kg incl. GSTSelect options