Brown Malt (Gladfield)

$ 3.50 - $ 6.00 / kg incl. GST

12.75 kg in stock

Product Price

Milling Option *

25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled

Packaging Option *

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Recipe Details:

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Packaging Policy

– Orders over 6kg packed into multiple bags
– Price break at 0.5kg, 5kg and 25kg
– We do not repack weights into multiple smaller bags
– 25kg or more will only be supplied unmilled



Specialty Malt

Gladfield’s Brown Malt is a stronger version of our Biscuit Malt. Our Brown Malt is made from green chitted malt which imparts good amber colour build up without the astringency from husk damage. This malt gives a dry biscuit, toasted hazelnut style flavour to the beer along with nice amber colour. Brown Malt is ideal for use in
Porters, Stouts, Dark Ales or Dunkels in small amounts.

Use: Brown Malt imparts a rich dry biscuit, nutty, light roasted flavour and gives the
beer a deep amber hue.
Rate: Up to 15%
Shelf life: At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 33 × 5 cm


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$ 3.50 - $ 6.00 / kg incl. GSTSelect options